I had one of the most amazing days last week. Everything was just great, everything fell into place. I wanted to write but just didn't get to it. Here we have it anyway-- a start of a new week, but it's looking good so far with lunches and dinners planned, Spanish, Pilate Classes and ending nicely with a long weekend where Luis is taking me to our favourite spot just to relax. I hear they'll be a nice fireplace too
Fantastic with the ever lowering temperature.
Fantastic with the ever lowering temperature.
This post is just a reminder to believers out there - that there is a time for everything. I sometimes feel discouraged, being away from everything I once knew or thought would be - a picket fence surrounded by my family, my extended family not too far away, a job around the corner pushing drugs of course
and a really big furry dog because ..
hey, I wouldn't have to worry about moving--never!
and a really big furry dog because ..
hey, I wouldn't have to worry about moving--never!
Probably if you're in that tangle of change, where everything is moving too quickly, you'll be able to relate to this - that over-stinking-overwhelming feeling. When I think about it though, mostly it's my thoughts. Circuiting this never ending - me, myself and I. What am I going to do? What shall I be? What can I do? I'm quickly reminded though, every time to look at my life. Can I complain? Hardly. It would be almost absurd to even think of doing so. I am very grateful. What is it then that I am searching for?
So yes, when we search for honour, personal power, and only think about "our time' yes, we are often disappointed - but in real, Christ Jesus in the person we need to honour, for he has a plan. Beth Moore reminds us that Jesus has given us the power to humble ourselves or he can humble us. Which do you prefer? :) GOD is never inactive. Something is up! Things on earth are coming in the way of heaven.
That is why HE has turned on the pause button.
So yes, when we search for honour, personal power, and only think about "our time' yes, we are often disappointed - but in real, Christ Jesus in the person we need to honour, for he has a plan. Beth Moore reminds us that Jesus has given us the power to humble ourselves or he can humble us. Which do you prefer? :) GOD is never inactive. Something is up! Things on earth are coming in the way of heaven.
That is why HE has turned on the pause button.
I thank God a thousand times over after that. Yes, yes I surrender, take lead as you have always. As you have never disappointed me. Thank you for the great reminder, that YOU are indeed the potter
- HE who shapes and moulds.
- HE who shapes and moulds.
I remember praying hard after a bout of inconsolable crying in 2003. Luis had to leave for Chile after only 4 months of me, being totally swept off my feet and drenched in love - mind, body and soul. I remember saying to God , - You showed me this person, I'm in unthinkable, inexplicable bliss...and now he's leaving?
( though I was fully aware as he was on an exchange)
Then I gathered myself and said clearly to HIM, that I'm leaving this relationship in HIS hands and I did.
( though I was fully aware as he was on an exchange)
Then I gathered myself and said clearly to HIM, that I'm leaving this relationship in HIS hands and I did.
and I tell you what- I had such strenght, comfort and such certainty that Luis was the one!
I believed it to the bone.
I believed it to the bone.
[ I did miss him terribly and of course it was tough, I am human after all, but largely full of comfort
- my indebted thanks to my best friends in NZ and my family for their invaluable support ]
- my indebted thanks to my best friends in NZ and my family for their invaluable support ]
My life is beautiful. HE has certainly paved it and have done a marvelous job so far,
So why not surrender all, I ask myself? Why do I question HIM ? <slap face>
So that's my little testimony; and if I search deep within me, this is the life I've wanted all along,
this is the life, I've dreamt a hundred thousand dreams.
So why not surrender all, I ask myself? Why do I question HIM ? <slap face>
So that's my little testimony; and if I search deep within me, this is the life I've wanted all along,
this is the life, I've dreamt a hundred thousand dreams.
Chile is the place. I don't say this enough to Luis. Now it's written in black & white. So yeah :) It does feel so right for now. After all HE does holds the future - for all I know, I might be in Timbuktu next !
Last Friday, we had a great teaching that struck a chord and struck again and again. I saw flashes of things -- happenings of the past and matters at hand playing in my unrested mind all at once but everything in that crazy muddle of a moment just came to a standstill. I stopped and smiled
as I reflected upon the teaching and my life.
There were 4 main points:
as I reflected upon the teaching and my life.
There were 4 main points:
1. When it's time? Is it the time of the Lord or is it not
2. When it's time to wait - Ecclesiastes 3:1,7 say," There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven...a time to be silent and a time to speak."
3. When it's time to wait for someone else's time : The book of Esther, recall Mark 6:23, the time wasn't right for Xerxes neither for Haman.
4. When the,"Meantime" is God's time: Isa. 40:31, "But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strenght, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not be faint"
So yes, it's all about you Jesus and faith is the key. In the meantime, "Remember the wonders that he has done...."
( 1 chronicles 16.12)
( 1 chronicles 16.12)
One fine day, I shall speak like a true Chilean xx :-)
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