May 31, 2011

Esther for Estrogens

Fridays are so refreshing,  it's the day I meet with my lovely friends for my cell group.  We are such girly-girls at this thing - we eat , we chat all at once and laugh too loud. We're currently in the midst on studying the book of Esther with Beth Moore" - "It's tough Being a Women".  Beth's ministry specifically targets women - how to teach and love in God's love. She has taught me so much about my surroundings, my life, my perceptions and the way I see things.  Living away from such comforts and the securities of my nuclear family, it's so easy to get caught up with the situation at hand. Including the feeling of loneliness that could creep up without constant spiritual stimulation. At least for me,
it's an unexplainable peace I can only get through His presence in my life. 
I'm thankful for these bunch of friends - such friends who are strong Godly women.  God only knows how much I need this to grow and live this life I've happily chosen. It just come to show that, we need women in our lives but many a time we tend to shun them for silly reasons and eventually realize we've just wasted so much of our time.  Moreover, we actually are so similar that we do need each other, like really...who else could possibly understand our complexities.
Beth interviewed 400 women from around the world and asked the simple question," What is the most difficult thing about being a women?" The vast majority said. HORMONES HORMONES HORMONES.  In one lady's words ( paraphrasing here)," We have pre-PMS , PMS and post-PMS,  that just leaves us with one normal week." How true it that ! We are so governed by the natural way we are created with our infamous double x- chromosomes that we really need to learn to embrace each other.
Our recent teaching was excellent , she ended by saying, " Meanness is curable". This was followed by these reactions. X turned around at me and said, "Have you met a meanie"? and she went on to say, "I don't think I have." This was shortly followed by Y saying, " Yes, I have. I am mean." Then Z said, " I am mean, I was so angry at this boy at the supermarket for deliberatedly crushing my buns with his fist, that I hit his hand".  I have never hit another child before.
 Not sure what got into me. After that, I was so embarrassed that I cried."
So I ask myself now. Has someone ever been mean to me?  What are my thoughts and my perceptions.
My perception says YES. Was it my insecurities? Was it my fear? Was it my need to feel strong? Or shall I just take the easy way out and say that it was premeditated on behalf of the other party as that would be indeed agreeably and acceptable as simply "mean."
 But Beth teaches us to just back off.  Let God do the rest. God teaches us never to repay evil with evil. Is this easy? No. but is it achievable? Yes, only through a spiritual heart.
She teaches, meanness always has a history. So, what can I take from all of this?  I need to move on, as all is history and that certain so and so?  Oh, they must have had some major baggage to start of with. Perhaps, I was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
 Why carry the burden when we don't really have to aye?
Our knowledge and understanding of all the ugliness around us are just beyond our human mind.
 I'll like to end with a few verses to ponder upon.
Much love xx

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts" - Isaiah 55: 9
Dearly beloved avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord - Romans 12:19
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding - Proverbs 3:5

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