May 2, 2011

Baby Ling Ran

        What do you get from an Australian and Chinese mix? A beautiful blue-eyed Caucasian beauty that turned out a bit too big for a straighforward birth. Xue Lian and Rhys smiled and spoke fondly of their bundle of joy when we went to see them at the hospital - all relieved and content. Of course, when I story told this to Luis, he reminded me,yet again that,
 "Undas' have big heads"- how delightful.  Dr.anaesthetist, I give you full authority to give me the best possible combination of drugs to numb the pain ( there are such wonderfully amazing combinations with epidurals actually, come to think! Phew:) for a bearable natural vajayjay birth. Forget already all that,
 "Let's feel the wonderfulness of giving birth without it". No thanks. 
Full respect *Clap clap*, to those who have gone through this "trauma" by choice
but most of my thoughts are with those that really don't have a choice. 
        Moving on to happier thoughts. Kids. I love love them, - honestly, the more the merrier. I actually believe, my quiet wish ( or rather, not so quiet at times) to hopefully have a little brother or sister, has never left me, unfortunately. As a result, having a heard of little beings - eight little Undas' perhaps, running around in diapers, still fascinates my irrational self to bits - Kids crying, pooing, throwing up on me and peeing on my soon-to-be nicely buffed wooden floors, doesn't evoke too much fear and freakishly excites my senses. I must admit though,  I'm often reminded by my sane-self (that comes along now and then) that coming from a small family, I didn't "lack" in any sense of the word. My parents managed to give me and my sister the same opportunities and much much more. When it comes down to it, being practical about these matters lurk dominantly in my thoughts (I guess that's a good thing right? - thank God for that! :). Having a smaller family wins hands down over my dreamy crazy-self. Yes, I would love to give my little Undas' more than I had if possible
- yes, that would be nice.
Thus, a much smaller number has been discussed since way back between Luis and I.
Unless, God laughs at our plans and gives us quadruplets instead!
 (That would be funny God dearest, but how I shudder at that thought!)
        I've always enjoyed seeing couples from different nationalities walk hand in hand - I almost always try to get a second glimpse - a find this sort of union so beautiful. Maybe it's because I could always relate to them. For my friends with these interesting beginnings, I seem to have an eagerness especially in wait of their offsprings. Their stories of meeting and adventures are ever so intriguing and inspiring. Don't you think it's amazing how today, this is all quite the norm? Rather brilliant I'd say and it certainly makes the world seem closer and less concerned with the unnecessary petty stuff. Many cultures still prefer not to step into unfamiliar territory and I most definitely respect this. I guess it's just less complicated. Much of it though, would come down to religion, cultural aspects and other reasons
 that no doubt would validate their reasonings ( not that any explanation is necessary of course)
Even so, it's enlightening in this day and age,  to see general acceptance in the world  - minds
that are stepping slowly but surely outside the once ever so rigid cultural square box.
          I'm eager to see how little baby Ling Ran grows up to be and her experiences in time to come. Maybe things will be a lot easier in her generation? or maybe just too mundane to be of anything extraordinarily significant. Only time will tell. One thing I know for sure is that, Ling Ran would indubitably have an abundant of interesting stories to hear from her wonderful parents especially her strong mum, Xue Lian. What an amazing person and friend. I will truly miss you, my precious friend.  All the best in Australia ! Another adventure, another story with multiple episodes to share.
 Ah, the many perks of living abroad!


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